TWO days to go – busy-busy-busy

Only two days before the first surgery is performed as part of the Rotary Club of Taveuni’s TEP (Taveuni Eye Project). Volunteers are scrubbing floors and walls, furniture is being shuffled about and the kitchens are running at full capacity.

We were privileged to have had a visit to the Taveuni hospital by the Assistant Minster for Health for Fiji. Photo courtesy of Alivereti Tuinamata

The Rotary Club of Taveuni is very grateful for the support of the Government of Fiji. Without the infrastructure provided by our local hospital, the surgeries conducted would not have gone ahead.

The Assistant Minister of Health in Fiji visits Taveuni Hospital.

Tomorrow, Sunday is not, in this case, a day of rest. Our eager volunteers led by Ineke, will be checking all the equipment a second and third time. Stock of dressings, medicines, eye drops, surgical equipment and all the small items that make up the project are being sorted and arranged.

Joey and her team are preparing to serve up many hundreds of meals to patients, staff and families during their stay at the hospital.