Day 12 – Friday October 18th 2019

Today the last day of the eye project for 2019, we announce the heroes of our project and award all the prizes. At the bottom of this page is the official announcement.


Vilisi Salafabisi

Vilisi Salafabisi is the CBR Co-ordinator for the Fijian Society for the Blind. She, with her team of carers, accompanied the last group of TEP patients for 2019.

Vilisi has been coming with patients to the Taveuni Eye Project since it started 14 years ago.

On behalf of FSB and her patients she thanked Rotary, Michael, Dr Jeff and the medical team for the wonderful gift of sight. She acknowledged Geoffrey Amos thanking him for his amazing support and vision in instigating the Taveuni Eye Project.

‘We work together to avoid and overcome blindness.
‘ Blessings to the patients and the TEP team – we wish you all a safe trip home.’

Julia Peters

Julia Peters came to TEP with her granddaughter Ellen and her husband. Both of them have been looking after her since she went blind about 18 months ago. ‘I have been living in the dark’ says Julia.

She says being blind is frightening and frustrating. She had to stop cooking and baking, and of course can no longer drive!

This morning Julia could see Ellen and her husband clearly for the first time in a long time. And she was so excited to see 3 ripe pawpaws on a tree in the distance!

‘Please thank the TEP medical team, Rotary and the FSB for this amazing gift of sight’ Julia requested.

Kasanita Taraki

Kasanita Taraki came to Taveuni from Nakelo, Tailevu. Her eye sight had deteriorated over some years and 18 months ago she went blind. In her words she ‘lost her sight day by day’.

Her sister told her about the Taveuni Eye Project. FSB had sent a field worker to her village and she collected the information to give Kasanita.

‘I was totally blind and now I can see. My tears are tears of joy – I have been given a miracle.’


October 2020

Every one of the doctors, nurses, ancillary staff, the cooks, the cleaners, the technicians, the administrators and the history keepers. To the Fijian Ministry of Health and Medical Services and to the Fiji Society for the Blind. To the patients, for being patient and for their endless humour and wonderful singing.
To the Rotary clubs across the world, the supporters whose names appear on every page and the private donors who made this whole project viable.
And to a man who is no longer with us, who had the vision.

We will be here again in 2020.

Final Roundup of the Project

Project Total
Cataracts 216
Pterygiums 81
Others 7
Total Operations 304

Perhaps these stories have moved you to consider helping us for next years Taveuni Eye Project. We rely on small donations from people just like you. What you give goes directly to TEP. Not a cent is wasted. The funds are carefully audited. Or perhaps you would just like some information. Simply fill in the form below:

The Rotary Club of Taveuni, in association with Rotary clubs in New Zealand, Australia and the United States, have made the eye project for Fiji their primary goal for the year. Please visit the Rotary Club of Taveuni here and Rotary International here for more information.